Malabo Hospital - List of Departments


Maintenance Manager
Medical Equipment Laboratory
Pathology Laboratory
Communications Department (Ami Baksis)
Entrance Floor:

Main Reception Desk
Reception Office - 4 stations for receiving the public
Emergency Room (4 beds + 2 armchairs, trauma room, isolation room and treatment room)
Hospital Administration Office: CEO, Secretary, Head of Administration, Accounting Office,  Head Nurse
Imaging Department (2 x-ray rooms, mammography, CT and ultra-sound)
Dialysis Department (2 armchairs and 1 armchair in isolation, 3 in total)
General Laboratory
Sterile Supplies Department
Outpatient Clinics: Reception Office, Urology, Gynecology, Cardiology, Otolaryngology (ears, nose, and throat),  Internal Medicine, Surgery, Dental Clinic (2 doctors)
Pediatrics: 2 doctors + nurses

First Floor:

Maternity Inpatient Ward (18 beds)
Labor and Delivery Department (2 delivery rooms + recovery beds)
Newborn Intensive Care Unit (11 incubators in two wings)
Operating Rooms Suite (4 operating rooms)
Recovery Department (5 beds)
I.C.U. - Intensive Care Unit (7 beds)

Second Floor:

Pediatrics Inpatients Ward (25 beds) 
Internal Medicine Inpatients Ward (13 beds)
Surgical Inpatients Ward (37 beds)
Outpatients Ward (6 beds)